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CPhI China 2015

author: Ethan [ 2015-06-27 14:59:49 ]

Date: 6/24/2015 - 6/26/2015
Venue:  Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), Shanghai, China

CPhI China is co-located with P-MEC China, ICSE China, LABWorld China, InnoPack China, BioPh China and features areas for Natural Extracts and EP CLean Tech. CPhI China is also co-located with Food ingredients Asia-China, Health ingredients & Natural ingredients (Fi Asia-China, Hi & Ni) and Natural & Nutraceutical products China (NPC). 

Gathering movers, shakers and emerging new comers of the Chinese pharma industry, CPhI China is the ideal platform. Meet face-to-face with domestic pharma companies, stay informed about the latest industry trends and get the best ROI on your travel, time and budget. 


 Unit 301-41, 044/F,66 Qingyi Road,Gaoxin , Ningbo. China.                                    Email: